Friday, February 11, 2011

Still Going Renegade (Round 2, Phase 2, Day 15)

I am being far from perfect on this diet this time around, and I was pretty damn close to perfect in Round 1.

Here are the diet tenets I am following:
  • HCG drops 3x a day (was doing 12, upped it to 15 to see if helped with hunger)
  • Eating 99% protocol foods
  • Eating VLCD (I have gone as far as 700 cals, but only on days when I run)
  • Drinking tons of water.
  • Absolutely, positively no sugar or gluten
Here's where I'm being a bad-ass renegade:
  • Diet coke! Drank it a few days in a row and didn't notice a change in weight loss, so I'm having some more often. I know this is something I should forgo because it is chemical crap, but it just keeps me from feeling so deprived.
  • Mixing vegetables. Today I had 2 c of salad with all core vegetables. Tonight I'm going to have shrimp with sugar-free salsa.
  • A few, small, rare foods that are not on protocol. Ex: 3-5 rice crackers (no sugar, no gluten) last night, protein shake this morning before running (with stevia, not fake sugar or real sugar) and a banana. My run felt fantastic this morning. Much better than when I eat eggs.
  • More slacking on measuring vegetables. Spinach is less than 20 calories a cup. Does it really matter if I have 2 or 3 cups?
I'm torn on this. Part of me feels like if I'm going to do this, I should just do it and do it perfectly. Part of me thinks that if I was doing it perfectly, I would have already quit this round. I'm still losing weight at a decent rate even without worrying about wearing gloves when I handle oily food and whether I mix my vegetables at lunch. I also know it is a slippery slope, and part of what I think is great about how strict this diet is that it doesn't give you any room to wiggle, which makes you more successful. Although I'm doing ok even with this amount of wiggle room, will it be a slippery slope to more and more wiggling, eventually resulting in failure?

1 comment:

  1. hey babe
    just wanted to check in. you make me feel a little guilty calling me a faithful reader and then here i find there are like 27 entries i haven't read all of the sudden. but that's not the point. the point is this:
    1)don't kill yourself here, physically or mentally; i think having a chill attitude will serve you well in the long run. if you want to eat 3 cups of spinach (though i can't for the life of me imagine why), don't crucify yourself over it. you're still being very good. because you are right, there is a world of difference between mixing vegetables and eating a pan of brownies. and i don;'t think veggie mixing is a gateway drug.
    2) it is muy, pero muy hard on your body* to do the training while on the VLCD; this you know already, so i just wanted to second your motion to choose running over starving if it comes to a choice, though i think that just not going quite as lo-cal is a good compromise. i would even go so far as to recommend upping it to like 1200 cal/day (god forbid) while you are in training. you would still lose weight, maybe not as fast, but it would be a little kinder to your body.
    3) 5 lbs a week is a fast rate of weight loss, so don;'t be all down on it just because you had some superstar weight loss at the beginning last time
    4) math is not the last refuge of the desperate, or whatever you said. math is truth!

    ok, i think that covers it.

    *for some reason, at first i typed this as baudy. i leave that to your own interpretation.
