Saturday, November 20, 2010


I almost forgot! ALSO at this VERY SAME birthday party today, Shannon and I snuck back into the bathroom at the back of the gym so she could update my measurements while our kids tumbled, rolled, flipped, and balance beamed. I haven't done any measurements since I started.

 I told her people would be scandalized and joked that we should emerge from the bathroom with tousled hair and misbuttoned shirts. I told her the story of when K and I went to try on bras together at Victoria's Secret in high school. They wouldn't let us go into the dressing room together because so many people had sex in the VS dressing room that they never allowed more than one person at a time.

ANYWAY. I stripped down to my bra and underwear in the bathroom and Shannon measured me. This is proof that it really is working! Not only is the weight dropping, but the inches are finally dropping too.

DATE:Inches Lost, 1st 20 Days
Right Arm3.25
Left Arm2
Upper Chest2.25
Midriff (bra line)4.5
Upper Stomach1.75
Right Thigh2.75
Right Knee1.5
Right Calf1.5
Left Thigh2
Left Knee0.5
Left Calf1.5

I have lost 3 and 1/2 inches off my bust, nearly 5 off my waist, and nearly three on my hips and thighs. Woot! Seeing these numbers makes me feel psychologically smaller already.

Oh, and my BMI has gone from 33.8 to 31.1 (still obese, but less obese!), my body fat has decreased 3% (still really fucking high, but less fucking high!), my muscle has increased 2%, and my visceral fat (strangely enough, within normal ranges to begin with) has stayed exactly the same.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of diet is this that we are on? It has been less than THREE WEEKS! Who would believe this? Does anyone believe this? Just fantastic, Kat. You're shrinking, just like the homeopathic HCG people promised!
